Science Associate Bojana Bajić

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Bojana Bajić

Science Associate

Academic titleScience Associate
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Science Associate
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Research Associate01.06.2022.14.05.2023.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Research Associate25.04.2022.31.12.2022.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Intern Researcher24.04.2021.25.04.2022.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Intern Researcher01.05.2018.24.04.2021.Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
TitleIn institution
Model za rano otkrivanje neusaglašenosti procesnih parametara u proizvodnim sistemima

PhD thesis

Industrial Engineering and Management

Faculty of Technical Sciences


TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Science AssociateProizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžmentResorno ministrarstvo za nauku31.01.2023.
Research AssociateIndustrijski marketing, preduzetništvo i inovacijeFaculty of Technical Sciences25.04.2022.
Professional Studies ProfessorIndustrijski marketing, preduzetništvo i inovacijeFaculty of Technical Sciences25.04.2018.