Assoc. Prof. Marijana Dukić-Mijatović

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Marijana Dukić-Mijatović

Associate Professor

Academic titleAssociate Professor

Marijana Dukić Mijatović was born in  1975 in Kula. She enrolled at the University in Novi Sad at the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad in the school year 1994/1995 and graduated in 1999. In the same year, she enrolled in the post-graduate studies course of Commercial Law at the University in Novi Sad at the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad. She passed the Bar Exam in 2002 with a distinction. She defended her master's thesis entitled "Realizing Insurance Compensation" in 2004 at the University in Novi Sad at the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad. In 2008, she defended her doctoral dissertation titled "Protection of Creditors in Bankruptcy" at the Faculty of Law of the University Business Academy in Novi Sad. Marijana Dukić Mijatović is associate professor at the University of Novi Sad at the Faculty of Tehnical Sciences at the Chair of Social Studies. She was employed at the University of Novi Sad at the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, where she teaches Business Law and Banking and Stock Law, as well as several courses in master and doctoral studies. Marijana Dukić Mijatović is also employed at the Faculty of Law of the University Business Academy in Novi Sad, where she was elected as a full professor in 2016. She holds a position of State secretary of the Ministry of Education (2023-), after her previous position of State Secretary in this Ministry (2022-2023) and position of State Secretary in Ministry of Education, Science and Tecnological Development of the Republic of Serbia.(2020-2022). From 2010 until March 2014, she had held a position of Vice Dean for Science and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Law of the University Business academy, until she was appointed as Manager of the Local Economic Development Office of the City of Novi Sad (2014-2016). She was the Advisor to the Mayor of Novi Sad for investments and implementation of strategic projects (2016-2020). She held the positions of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Public Company for Construction  and Development of the City of Novi Sad (2012), President of the Assembly of Shareholders of Novi Sad Port (2013-2014) and President of the Supervisory Board of Dnevnik holding jsc Novi Sad (2014). She was the representative of the republic capital in the Port of Novi Sad (2016-2018). During the school year 2012/2013, Marijana Dukić Mijatović was engaged as a visiting professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Vitez in Travnik Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Law of the Conflict of Laws study course. She was the editor of the Law, Theory and Practice journal (2012-2015), several collections of works of scientific conferences, and the head of scientific projects. She was a member of the Editorial Board of the Kultura polisa magazine (M51) and reviewer of the Review of International Affairs (M51) and Agroekonomika (M51). Marijana Dukić Mijatović is the President of the Editorial Board of the journal Evropsko zakonodavstvo (M52). She was a coordinator of the Working Group for the adoption and implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy of the City of Novi Sad for the period from 2016 to 2020 and the coordinator of the Working Group for the implementation of strategic economic projects of importance to the City of Novi Sad. She was a head of the negotiating team of the City of Novi Sad for investment projects Delphi Packard doo Novi Sad, Lear Corporation doo Novi Sad, Continental Automotive doo Novi Sad, CTP Serbia, Barry Callebaut, BMTS Technology and NIDEC. She was a Vice president of the National Council for Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia (2018-2020 ) and a member of the Steering Committee of the Housing Fund for Young Scientists and Artists (2014-2020). She is also the examiner in the Commission for passing the Bar Examination of AP Vojvodina (2016- ). By decision of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and
Innovation of November 26, 2024, she was awarded the title of
Principal Research Fellow. She received Kapetan Miša Anastasijević Award for 2015 for development projects and development of business environment in Novi Sad, as well as the best manager award in public entrepreneurship at the national level in 2017. Marijana Dukić Mijatović received Sveti Prokopije Award for 2022 for education improvement and Vidovdanska Charter for 2023 for support to University in Priština with temporary head office in Kosovska Mitrovica. She is the author of seven books and over 160 scientific and professional papers, of which 20 papers (M22 and M23) were published in prominent journals indexed on the Thompson Royters list. She is married to a lawyer Miloš Mijatović and is a mother of a son Vuk.

Associate Professor
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Criterium of productionDescription
() Dukić Mijatović M.: Zeljko Bjelajac, Milan Pocuca, Marijana Dukic Mijatovic: INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT AS A SOURCE OF JEOPARDISING THE SAFETY OF PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT WITH A SPECIAL REVIEW OF THE CASE STUDY “ACCIDENT IN THE MIDDLE SECTION OF THE DANUBE RIVER”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2013, Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 35-49, ISSN 1311-5065
() Research published in the prominent international journalLjubojev N., Dukić Mijatović M., Kavalić (Zakin) M., Stanisavljev (Zec) S., Cvijić M.: Protection of the Design in the Textile Industry in Order to Improve the Economic Aspect of Sustainable Development of Serbia -Comparative Overview of the Laws of the European Union and Croatia, Sustainability, 2019, Vol. 11, No 7, pp. 1-11, ISSN 2071-1050
() Research published in the international journalUzelac O., Davidovic M., Dukić Mijatović M.: UZELAC, O., DAVIDOVIC M., DUKIC MIJATOVIC M., “ LEGAL FRAMEWORK, POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMIC FREEDOM IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE: DO THEY MATTER FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH”, POST COMUMUNIST ECONOMIES, 2020, PG. 1-29, Post-Communist Economies, 2020, pp. 1-29, ISSN 1463-1377
() Research published in the international journalDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, Bjelajac Željko, Kozar V. : Flood risk managment analysis for reducing harmful effects on human health, enviroment, cultural heritage and economic activity in the Republic of Serbia, Oxidation Communications, 2016, no 1. pg 399-410, ISNN 0209-4541, Oxidation Communication, 2016, No 1, pp. 399-410, ISSN 0209-4541
() Research published in the international journalDukić Mijatović M.: Bjelajac Željko, Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, Kozar. V : Impact of Air Quality in Belgrade on Human Health and Safe Environment, Oxidation Communications, 2015, no. 41, pg 1967-1978, Oxidation Communication, 2015, No 4a, pp. 1967-1978, ISSN 0209-4541
() Research published in the international journalLjubojev N., Dukić Mijatović M., Bjelajac Ž., Kozar V., Radovanović (Petrovi Lj.: EU LEGISLATION ON FUEL QUALITY AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2014, Vol. 20, No 1, pp. 144-155, ISSN 1310-4772
() Research published in the international journalDukić Mijatović M.: Spasić, I.; Dukić-Mijatović, M.; Bejatović, M.: "Factoring method of Financing in Business practice" "Economic Research", 2012, vol 25, n.1, pg. 191-211., Ekonomska istraživanja - Economic Research, 2012, Vol. 25, No 1, pp. 191-211, ISSN 1331-677X
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionDukić Mijatović M., Gongeta S.: Dukić Mijatović, M., Gongeta, S., Cosumer credit in European Union, European Scientific Journal, vol 1,special edition, 2014, pg. 410-420, European Scientific Journal (ESJ), 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 410-420, ISSN 1857-7881
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionDukić Mijatović M., Joksić I.: Banović, B., Dukić Mijatović, M., Joksić, I.: „Održivi razvoj i ekološki resursi sa posebnim osvrtom na krivičnopravni aspekt zaštite ekoloških dobara“, Teme, br. 3/2013, Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, str. 1281-1302, UDK 1+3, ISSN 0351-1685, COBISS.SR-ID 559631, Teme, 2013, No 3, pp. 1281-1302, ISSN 0351-1685, UDK: 1+3
() Research published in the journal of the international importance verified by the special resolutionBejatović M., Dukić Mijatović M.: M. Bejatović, M. Dukić-Mijatović, Ž. Spalević, The Comparative Review of the Impact of Central Banks on the Dynamics of Fluctuations in the Financial Markets, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 16 - 28, Jan, 2012, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 2012, Vol. 9, No 1, pp. 16-28, ISSN 1109-9526
() Invited lectures from the international meeting printed in its entirety***Dukić Mijatović M.: Дукић Мијатовић М., „Специфичности стечајне легислативе Републике Србије у транзиционој фази развоја привреде“, Век и по регулисања стечаја у Србији ( уредници проф. др Небојша Шаркић, проф.др Вук Радовић, Гордана Ајншпилер Поповић, проф. др Владимир Чоловић) Институт за упоредно право Београд у сарадњи са Правним факултетом Универзитета Унион Београд, ИСБН 978-86-80186-46-7, стр. 87-95. Научни скуп је одржан 13.5 2019. године у Београду. - <u>Nije povezan skup</u><font style="color:#cc0000;">**greska**</font>
() Invited lectures from the international meeting printed in its entirety***Dukić Mijatović M.: Marijana Dukić M. i Babić N., "Strane direktne investicije kao determinanta razvoja srpske ekonomije", Privrednopravni okvir i ekonomski razvoj država Jugoistočne Evrope, Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosudje Novi Sad, str. 654-668- <u>Nije povezan skup</u><font style="color:#cc0000;">**greska**</font> , UDK: 330.322 (497.11)
() Invited lectures from the international meeting printed in its entiretyDukić Mijatović M., Golić D.: Јавно-приватна партнерства као облик вршења децентрализованих послова, 3. Međunarodna konferencija "Razvoj javne uprave", Vukovar: Veleučilište Lavoslav Ružička, 19-20 April, 2013, pp. 672-683, ISBN 978-953-7734-05-3
() Invited lectures from the international meeting printed in extracts***Dukić Mijatović M., Stanković G.: Stanković. G., Dukić Mijatović M., "Preinačnje tužbe",Zbornik sažetka radova "Pravo,tradicija, promjene" (urednik doc. dr Dimitrije Ćeranić) u organizaciji Pravnog fakulteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, medjunarodnog Savezapravnika Moskva i Srpskog udruženja za krivičnopravnu teoriju i praksu Beograd, izdavač: pravni fakultet univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, ISBN 978-99938-57-48-8, str. 33 Naučni skup održan na Palama 26. oktobra 2019. godine- <u>Nije povezan skup</u><font style="color:#cc0000;">**greska**</font> , UDK: 347.922
() Chapter in the M41 or research in the prominent thematic collection of the leading national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, Pregled zakonskih procedura u postupku utvrđivanja potraživanja stečajnih zakona u regionu, Tematski zbornik radova Pravo zemalja u regionu izdavača Institut za uporedno pravo Beograd, str. 368-390, 2010. godina ISBN 978-86-80059-69-3 ,COBISS.SR-ID: 176039948), Beograd, Institut za uporedno pravo Beograd, 2010, str. 368-390, ISBN 978-86-80059-69-3
() Chapter in the M41 or research in the prominent thematic collection of the leading national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, Uticaj nemačkog stečajnog prava na razvoj stečajnog zakonodavstva u Srbiji, Uvod u pravo Nemačke, Tematski zbornik radova izdavača Institut za uporedno pravo Beograd, 2011, str.507-524 , Beograd, Institut za uporedno pravo Beograd, 2011, str. 507-524
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M., Zelenović V.: Zelenović, V., Dukić Mijatović, M., Finansijsko-pravni aspekti finansijskog lizinga u Srbiji, Kultura polisa, vol 15, br. 36, str. 583_ 595, 2018, Kultura polisa, 2018, Vol. 15, No 36, pp. 583-595, ISSN 1820-4589
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Маријана Дукић Мијaтовић Меродавно право код уговора о међународној продаји, Култура полиса бр.32, 2017 ИССН 1820-4589, стр.347/360 M51, Kultura polisa, 2017, No 32, pp. 347-360, ISSN 1820-4589
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M., Sudžuka E.: Dukić-Mijatović, M.,Sudžuka E, USKLAĐENOST PRAVA ZAŠTITE POTROŠAČA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE I BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE SA PRAVOM EVROPSKE UNIJE. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, br. 55-57/2016., Beograd, , str. 142.-159, Kultura polisa, 2016, pp. 142-159, ISSN 1820-4589
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M., Sudžuka E.: Emir Sudžuka, Marijana Dukić Mijatović, Pravne konstrukcije u savremenom gradjanskom i poslovnom pravu, Kultura polisa, br. 30 iz 2016, str. 375-388, Kultura polisa, 2016, No 30/16, pp. 375-388, ISSN 1820-4589
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Marijana Dukić Mijatović, Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću-komparativni pregled, Evropsko zakonodavstvo, br. 55/16, str. 171-183, Evropsko zakonadvstvo, 2016, No 55/16, pp. 171-183, ISSN 1451-3188
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M., Veselinović J., Marković T.: Veselinović Janko, Marković Todor,Dukić Mijatović Marijana, Pravni i ekonomski aspekti ugovora o osiguranju useva i plodova od suše, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, br.1 2016,UDK 3, ISSN 0550-2179, str. 159-179, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2016, pp. 159-179, ISSN 0550-2179
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić Mijatović, M., Gongeta, C. : Pravna zaštita poslovne tajne u Evropskoj Uniji, Kultura polisa, (2015), br. 28, Novi Sad, str. 199-211, Kultura polisa, 2015, No 28, pp. 199-211, ISSN 1820-4589
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović, M. Gongeta, S.: Nova Direktiva o pravima potrošača u Evropskoj uniji, Evropsko zakonadvstvo, 2015, Vol. 51, No 2015, pp. 148-160, ISSN 1451-3188
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović, M. Gongeta, S.: Direktiva o suzbijanju zakašnjenja u privrednim ugovorima, Evropsko zakonadvstvo, 2015, Vol. 51, No 2015, pp. 218-228, ISSN 1451-3188
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović M, Centralna banka i razvoj finansijskog tržišta, Pravni život, br. 11/2012, tom 3, str. 627- 641 , Pravni život, 2012, Vol. 3, No 11/2012, pp. 627-641, ISSN 0350-0500
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović M, Predlog plana reorganizacije u svetlu zakonskih procedura stečajnih zakona u regionu, Pravo i privreda, br.4-6/2011 str.360-372 , Pravo i privreda - časopis za privredno pravnu teoriju i praksu, 2011, No 4-6/2011, pp. 360-372, ISSN 0354-3501
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović M – Mijatović M, Pravni položaj razlučnih poverilaca u stečaju, Pravni život, br.11/2011, str. 205-221, Pravni život, 2011, No 11/2011, pp. 205-221, ISSN 0350-0500
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović M, Položaj arbitra u arbitražnom postupku-komparativni pregled, Strani pravni život, br. 1/2011, str.217-229, Strani pravni život, 2011, No 1/2011, pp. 217-229, ISSN 0039-2128
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, Pregled aktuelne lex mercatoriae u primeni dokumentarnog akreditiva, Pravni život, vol. 59, br. 12, str. 481- 494, 2010 (ISSN 0350-0500 početna godina 1951, adresa Krunska 74, P. fah 179, 11000 Beograd, urednik Slobodan Perović, periodičnost mesečno telefon 011/244-6910, izdavač Udruženje pravnika Srbije, veb adresa <> UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484), Pravni život, 2010, Vol. 59, No 12, pp. 481-494, ISSN 0350-0500
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, Usklađenost bankarskog sistema Republike Srbije sa svetskim standardima - korporativno upravljanje i aktuelna korporativna praksa, Pravni život, vol. 57, br. 12, str. 761-775, 2008 (ISSN 0350-0500 početna godina 1951, adresa Krunska 74, P. fah 179, 11000 Beograd, urednik Slobodan Perović, periodičnost mesečno telefon 011/244-6910, izdavač Udruženje pravnika Srbije, veb adresa <> UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484), Pravni život, 2008, Vol. 57, No 12, pp. 761-775, ISSN 0350-0500, UDK: UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, Zakon o bankama u svetlu implementacije evropskog zakonodavstva, Pravni život, vol. 56, br. 13, str. 153-161, 2007(ISSN 0350-0500 početna godina 1951, adresa Krunska 74, P. fah 179, 11000 Beograd, urednik Slobodan Perović, periodičnost mesečno telefon 011/244-6910, izdavač Udruženje pravnika Srbije, veb adresa <> UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484) , Pravni život, 2007, Vol. 56, No 13, pp. 153-161, ISSN 0350-0500, UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, Ostvarivanje regresa kod osiguranja bankarskih poslova, Pravni život, vol. 55, br. 11, str. 799-809, 2006 (ISSN 0350-0500 početna godina 1951, adresa Krunska 74, P. fah 179, 11000 Beograd, urednik Slobodan Perović, periodičnost mesečno telefon 011/244-6910, izdavač Udruženje pravnika Srbije, veb adresa <> UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484), Pravni život, 2006, Vol. 55, No 11, pp. 799-809, ISSN 0350-0500, UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić Marijana, Osvrt na novi zakon o osiguranju, Pravni život, vol. 54, br. 10, str. 1081-1097, 2005 (ISSN 0350-0500 početna godina 1951, adresa Krunska 74, P. fah 179, 11000 Beograd, urednik Slobodan Perović, periodičnost mesečno telefon 011/244-6910, izdavač Udruženje pravnika Srbije, veb adresa <> UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484), Pravni život, 2005, Vol. 54, No 10, pp. 1081-1097, ISSN 0350-0500, UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceDukić Mijatović M.: Dukić-Mijatović Marijana, “Ostvarivanje regresa u slučaju stečaja osiguravajućih organizacija”, “Pravni život” br.10/2004.(ISSN 0350-0500 početna godina 1951, adresa Krunska 74, P. fah 179, 11000 Beograd, urednik Slobodan Perović, periodičnost mesečno telefon 011/244-6910, izdavač Udruženje pravnika Srbije, veb adresa <> UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484), Pravni život, 2004, No 10, ISSN 0350-0500, UDK: 34, COBISS.SR-ID: 756484
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Associate ProfessorPoslovno pravoUniversity of Novi Sad01.10.2020.