Andrija Dinulović (Belgrade, 1993) is a producer. He holds a degree in Management and Production of Theatre, Radio and Culture at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade and completed a master's degree in Scene Architecture and Design at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, where he is currently enrolled in doctoral studies in Scene design.
Andrija is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, where he is primarily active in the fields of scene design, scene technique and technical production. He is the director of the Centre for Scene Design, Architecture and Technology (Scen), where he participates in the conceptualisation, preparation and implementation of various programs and projects.
He is the co-founder of the studio Turbina, in which he is primarily focused on the conceptualisation and creation, technical elaboration and production of space and spatial settings in performing and visual arts. Within this studio, he has led the production of a number of projects, the most notable being the Republic of Serbia’s performances at the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2021 and 2023, and the festival of light installations iLight Singapore in Singapore in June 2022.
Andrija has been engaged in the production of a large number of arts and culture projects in Serbia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore and Belgium. He worked as the production manager of the gallery Kolektiv Arhitekata and the producer of the web radio radioAparat in Belgrade. He has participated in three editions of the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, as the executive producer (2015), when the performance of the Republic of Serbia was awarded the Gold Medal for provoking a dialogue, four years later as production manager and finally as the project manager in 2023 when Serbia has been awarded twice, with the Community Activation award in the Exhibition of Countries and Regions and for the Most Imaginative Concept within the Student Exhibitions.