Subject: Air Pollution in the Workplace (17 - ZR400)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Inženjerstvo zaštite na radu
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Course specification

Course is active from 30.10.2018..

Introducing students of environmental engineering with the basic principles and laws of chemistry of the atmosphere, sources and fate of pollutants in the air.
Acquiring fundamental knowledge of the chemistry of air pollution and the phenomenon of degradation and the transformation processes in the atmosphere.
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the complex problems of air pollution in the workplaces. General principles of prevention and control. The purpose of air monitoring in the workplace. Specific pollutants in technological processes ?f heavy, light and special industry, chemical and medical laboratories. Chemical fumes. Noxious gases. Solvent vapours. Suspended particles. Carcinogenic substances in the air of working place. Improving of the air quality in the workplace.
Lectures. Laboratory and calculation exercises. Consultations - individual and collective. During the semester, students are obliged to attend lectures and exercises, to pass colloquiums in a number of experimental exercises and to do a term paper. After successfully realized examination prerequisites, students take the final exam which consists of practical and oral part.
World Health OrganizationWHO guidelines for indoor air quality:selected pollutants2010WHO Regional Office for Europe Copenhagen ,DenmarkEnglish
Lawrence K. Wang, Norman C. Pereira, Yung-Tse HungAdvanced Air and Noise Pollution Control2005Humana Press Inc, New JerseyEnglish
Richard C. Flagan, John H. SeinfeldFundamentals of air pollution engineering1988California Institute of TechnologyEnglish
International Labour Office GenevaAmbient factors in the workplace2001International Labour Office GenevaEnglish
Lawrence K. Wang, Norman C. Pereira, Yung-Tse HungAir Pollution Control Engineering2004Humana Press Inc, New JerseyEnglish
Jeremy CollsAir Pollution2002Taylor and Francis group, LondonEnglish
Zdravko JovičićOpasne materije1996DIPG ”Prosveta” NišSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes40.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Term paperYesYes20.00
Oral part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Adamović Dragan
Associate Professor

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Mihajlović Ivana
Associate Professor

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Vujović Svjetlana
Assistant with PhD

Practical classes
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Ćojbašić Sanja
Research Associate

Practical classes
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Dmitrašinović Sonja
Research Associate

Laboratory classes