Subject: Monitoring of the Environment (06 - Z204A)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Environment Protection Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2005..

Acquiring knowledge about the basic principles of the living environment monitoring system functioning, and physical-chemical processes in different media of the living environment in order to precisely determine representative pollutants.
Acquired knowledge enables students to understand the state of the living environment and to understand results obtained in the monitoring systems in order to determine the cause of pollution.
Regulations in the field of air, water, wastewater and other parts of the environmental monitoring. Characteristics of the pollutants in the air, water… Monitoring of emissions of industrial pollutants, monitoring of standard pollutants (SO2, Nox, CO2, CO), suspended particles, carbon black, monitoring of metal emissions, monitoring of specific pollutants. Monitoring of industrial pollutants in the emission (ambient air), monitoring by standard methods of pollutants (SO2, Nox, CO2, CO), suspended particles, carbon black, monitoring of metal emissions. Monitoring of specific pollutants in the emission, Characteristics of air monitoring using continuous automatic stations, monitoring air in the room. Bioindicators for examining the state of human health and ecosystem vulnerability, Biological indicators in the program of the living environment monitoring. Qualitative data analysis in the biomonitoring of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.
Lectures, Practice, Consultations. The written part of the examination can be taken through two colloquiums: Colloquium I: Regulations, Characteristics of pollutants, Monitoring of emissions of industrial pollutants, Monitoring of standard pollutants II: Monitoring of specific pollutants in the emission. Characteristics of air monitoring using continuous automatic stations and monitoring air in the room, vulnerability of ecosystem, bioindicators for examining the state of the human health and ecosystem vulnerability, Biological indicators in the program of the living environment monitoring. Qualitative data analysis in biomonitoring on non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. The final part of the examination is oral. Passed colloquiums or the written part of the examination are eliminatory on the examination. The course grade is formed based on the success at the colloquium, term paper (paper and defense) that is, the written and oral part of the examination.
Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph.D., N&P LimitedHandbook of Air Pollution Prevention Prevention and Control2002Elsevier Science (USA)English
Božo DalmacijaUpravljanje kvalitetom voda sa aspekta Okvirne direktive EU o vodama2003PMF Novi Sad, Departman za hemiju, Mala knjigaSerbian language
Vujić G., Đogo, M.Monitoring životne sredine - vežbe2012Skripta, interna skripta FTNSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theoryNoYes60.00
Coloquium examYesNo20.00
Coloquium examYesNo20.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Oral part of the examNoYes10.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Vujić Goran
Full Professor

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Mihajlović Ivana
Associate Professor

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Petrović Maja
Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
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Dvornić Tijana

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Milovanović Dušan

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Pap Sabolč
Asistent sa doktoratom

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Ćeranić Mirjana
Research Associate

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Ilić Mićunović Milana
Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes