Subject: Engineering Graphic Communications (17 - ZC007)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Mašinski elementi, mehanizmi i inženjerske grafičke komunikacije
Native organizations units

Chair of Animation in Engineering
Course specification

Course is active from 05.10.2012..

Development of spatial imagination and visualization, acquiring engineering knowledge on the most rational graphic representation of combined forms. Teaching students to be able to independently develop technical drawing manually or using a computer.
Understanding geometrical structure of 3D shapes and their optimal 2D representation. Use of computer in design and development of technical documentation on the basis of the designed model.
Representation of space, projecting (orthogonal, cavalier and axonometric). Fundamental elements of geometry. Transformation, rotation. Regular polyhedrons. Perspective co linearity and affinity, transitional developmental surfaces. Constructive processing of basic geometric surfaces and bodies used in mechanical engineering. Characteristic views. Piping problems. Fundamental notions on the engineering design process. Introduction to engineering graphic communications. Basic equipment and supplementary elements. Standards and standard numbers. Technical drawing standards. Basic elements of engineering geometry. Coordinate systems. Descartes, polar, cylindrical, spherical, absolute and relative coordinates. Fundamentals in engineering graphics. 2D space and 2D transformations: translation, rotation, scaling, complex transformations. Drawing objects from multiple views. Cross sections. Drawing objects from one view. Axonometry. Cavalier projection. Perspective. Other ways of graphic representation. Visualization. Visualization techniques with engineering drawings. Hidden lines and surfaces. Structure of data for engineering graphics. Engineering graphics standards. Dimensioning. Tolerancing. Shape and position tolerances. Maximum material condition. Marking the quality of surface. Assembly drawing. Workshop drawing. Schematic drawing. Fundamentals in computer aided product design.
Lectures, computer and graphic practice, consultations.
S. Navalušić, Z. MilojevićInženjerske grafičke komunikacije, skripta2005FTN, Novi SadSerbian language
Ratko ObradovićKonstruktivna geometrija, autorizovana predavanja - skripta2005FTN, Novi SadSerbian language
Bertoline, G.R. et al.Fundamentals of graphics communication, third edition2002McGraw-Hill, BostonEnglish
Giesecke, F., Mitchell, A. et al.Modern Graphics Communication2001Prentice Hall, New YorkEnglish
Earle, J.Engineering Design Graphics2004Prentice Hall, New JerseyEnglish
Steve SlabyFundamentals of Three-Dimensional Descriptive Geometry1966Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.English
Dovniković, L.Nacrtna geometrija1985Univerzitet u Novom SaduEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Graphic paperYesYes20.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Term paperYesYes20.00
Practical part of the exam - tasksNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Bojić Savo
Assistant Professor

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Živaljević Marija
Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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Živaljević Marija
Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes
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Milekić Danijela
Teaching Associate

Laboratory classes
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Božić Dejan
Assistant - Master

Computational classes