Subject: Fixtures
(06 -
P306) Basic Information
Course specification
Course is active from 01.10.2007.. The goal of course is to master skills in the field of selection, calculation and exploitation of fixtures, that enable the student to perform the procedure independently in practice. The aim of the course is that engineering gain competence to apply advanced tools for management of fixtures. Students will be able for independent selection, calculation and exploitation of fixtures. Students gain competence in defining strategies of fixtures management in the various processes of engineering. General of fixtures. Definition, place and role of fixtures. Fixtures concepts, and their features and application. The basic elements of fixtures - locating elements, clamping elements, fixture body elements, tool guiding elements, tool aligning elements, connecting elements, add-on elements (elements for bridging height and length distances, elements for fixture manipulation, elements for fixture positioning on machine tool, elements for attaching fixtures to machine, securing elements, translating elements, rotating elements). The influential factors and the basic rules in fixtures design. Mechanization and automation of fixtures. Selection, implementation and exploation of fixtures. Universal fixtures. Fixtures for group technology. Modular fixtures. Phase-change fixtures. Fixtures for assembly. Fixtures for disassembly. Fixtures in metrology and quality control. Fixtures for coordinate measuring machines. Fixtures for additive manufacturing. Fixtures for welding. Fixtures for soldering. Fixtures for handling. Fixtures for precision engineering. Fixtures in flexible manufacturing systems. Fixtures in medicine and dentistry. Lectures are realized interactively through lectures, laboratory and computer practical classes. In lectures theoretical part is presented with characteristic examples for better understanding of subject content. In auditory practical classes, characteristical exercises are covererd. Acquired knowledge is practically applied in laboratory practical classes using avalilable laboratory equipment. Apart from lectures and practical classes, consultations are held regularly.