Subject: Basics of mechanics (17 - Z108)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Deformable Body Mechanics
Native organizations units

Chair of Technical Mechanics
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2005..

Introducing students to the basic principles and methods of mechanics and its application in the analysis of static and dynamic systems.
Students acquire knowledge in mechanics necessary for understanding stationary and non-stationary processes interesting in the environmental engineering. They can be developed and applied in other professional courses and practical work. In the methodological sense, students obtain the pattern for solving diverse engineering problems.
Force, equilibrium, fundamental principles of statics. Constraints and forces of reaction. Equilibrium conditions. Stress, dilatation, axially loaded rods. Hooke's law. Statically indeterminate problems. Torsion of rods, stress, angle of torsion. Bending of beams, stresses. Statical (stationary) models in environmental engineering. Kinematics of particle: reference frame, position vector, velocity and acceleration. Newton's laws of motion. Work, energy and power, conservation and disipation of energy. Stability of dynamical systems. Small oscillations (free, damped and forced), linearization of differential equations of motion. Momentum and its rate of change; application to impact theory. Angular momentum. Dynamics of the system of particles. Kinematics and dynamics of deformable bodies. Elements of rigid body kinematics and dynamics. Dynamical (non-stationary) models in environmental engineering.
Lectures, Practice, Consultations. During the lectures basic principles and general methods of mechanics are presented. During the practice problems illustrating application of these methods in solving specific problems are being solved. Complex examples are presented to students using computer simulation. During semester students do homework assignments which are prerequisites for taking the colloquiums. During the semester 3 colloquiums are organized which may substitute the written (practical) part of the examination.
Simić, S., Maretić, R.Osnove mehanike2008Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Đukić, Đ., Atanacković, T., Cvetićanin, L.Mehanika2003Fakultet tehičkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
G.V. Middleton, P.R. WilcockMechanics in the Earth and Environmental Sciences1994Cambridge University PressEnglish
F. ZieglerMechanics of Solids and Fluids1998Springer-Verlag, New YorkEnglish
Beer, F., et al.Vector Mechanics for Engineers2004McGraw-Hill, New YorkEnglish
C.R. HadlockMathematical Modeling in the Environment1998The Mathematical Association of America, W. DCEnglish
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Exercise attendanceYesYes5.00
Coloquium examNoYes40.00
Lecture attendanceYesYes5.00
Oral part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Mađarević Damir
Associate Professor

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Zuković Miodrag
Full Professor

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Berecki Armin
Assistant with PhD

Practical classes
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Mihok Sanja
Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Mađarević Damir
Associate Professor

Practical classes