Prof. Dragan Ružić

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Dragan Ružić

Full Professor

Academic titleFull Professor
Employee's biography not found!
Full Professor
PositionFromToOrganizational unit
Associate Professor01.04.2019.31.03.2024.Chair of Engines and Vehicles
Assistant Professor01.04.2014.Chair of Engines and Vehicles
Lecturer for Professional Studies01.01.2013.01.03.2014.Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering
Research Associate27.06.2012.01.12.2012.Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering
Assistant - Magister22.08.2006.01.06.2012.Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering
Professional Associate on Project19.01.2006.01.08.2006.Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering
Intern Assistant09.01.2004.01.01.2006.Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering
Labor Market07.09.2001.01.12.2003.Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering
Data about the current functions of the employee not found!
TitleIn institution
Karakteristike servisa za tehničko održavanje lakih teretnih i putničkih vozila

Bachelor's thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Uticaj klimatizacije na toplotni komfor u putničkom automobilu

Magister thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Optimizacija sistema za klimatizaciju kabine motornog vozila

PhD thesis

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technical Sciences


Criterium of productionDescription
() Researches published in the journals of the international importanceMujan I., Anđelković A., Munćan V., Kljajić M., Ružić D.: Influence of Indoor Environmental Quality on human Health and Productivity - A Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, Vol. 217, No Aprli, pp. 646-657, ISSN 0959-6526
() Research published in the prominent international journalNikolić N., Antonić Ž., Dorić J., Ružić D., Galamboš S., Jocanović M., Karanović V.: An Analytical Method for the Determination of Temperature Distribution in Short Journal Bearing Oil Film, Symmetry, 2020, Vol. 12, No 4, pp. 1-19, ISSN 2073-8994
() Research published in the prominent international journalGalamboš S., Nikolić N., Ružić D., Dorić J.: AN APPROACH TO CFD AIR FLOW SIMULATION IN THE IC ENGINE INTAKE MANIFOLD, Thermal Science, 2019, ISSN 0354-9836
() Research published in the prominent international journalRužić D., Bikić S.: An Approach To Modelling A Virtual Thermal Manikin DOI:10.2298/TSCI130115115R, Thermal Science - International Scientific Journal, 2014, pp. 1413-1423, ISSN 0354-9836
() Research published in the international journalRužić D.: Influence of the Ventilation System Setting in the Passenger Car on the Local Thermal Sensation of a Driver, Isi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi/ Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 2015, Vol. 35, No 1, pp. 125-134, ISSN 1300-3615
() Research published in the international journalMačužić S., Lukić J., Ružić D.: Three-Dimensional Simulation of the McPherson Suspension System, Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 2018, Vol. 25, No 5, pp. 1286-1290, ISSN 1330-3651, UDK: -
() Research published in the international journalRužić D., Homa D., Simikić M., Vejnović S.: Comparative experimental study of microclimate conditions in farm tractor cabs, Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science, 2023, No. 48, pp. 1-13, ISSN 0256-2499
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRužić D., Časnji F., Muzikravić V.: Thermal load on passengers in an automobile cabin, Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006, Kragujevac: Mašinski fakultet u Kragujevcu, 4-6. 10., 2006, str. -- -, UDK: -, ISBN 86-80581-95-x.
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRužić D., Simikić M.: Geometry characteristics of human body model suitable for simulation of thermal comfort in an agricultural vehicle, 9. The 9th International Symposium - KOD 2016 - Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, Balatonfured: FTN Novi Sad, 9-12 Jun, 2016, pp. 131-136, ISBN 978-86-7892-821-5, UDK: 658.512.2 (082)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRužić D., Časnji F., Poznanović N.: The Human Model For The Simulation Of Thermal Conditions In Vehicle Cabin, 17. Motorna vozila i motori MVM, Kragujevac: Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, 3-5 Oktobar, 2012, pp. 487-498, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7, UDK: 629.3(082)(0.034.2) 621.43(082)(0.034.2)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRužić D.: An Analytical Model of Air-Conditioned Motor Vehicle Cabin, 7. International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors - MVM, Kragujevac: Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, 4-5 Oktobar, 2018, pp. 369-376, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7, UDK: 629.3(082)(0.034.2) 621.43(082)(0.034.2)
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRužić D., Časnji F.: Analysis of airflow direction on heat loss from operator's body in an agricultural tractor cab, 40. Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering, Opatija: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, 21-24 Februar, 2012, pp. 161-169, ISBN 1333-2651, UDK: 631.372:629.3.042.2
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRužić D., Stojić B.: Strategies of Improving the Air-Conditioning Efficiency in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, 18. International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors - MVM, Kragujevac: Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, 9-10 Oktobar, 2014, 525-533, ISBN 987-86-6335-010-6, UDK: 629.3
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRužić D., Časnji F.: Design of Vehicle Cabin Air Distribution System Based on Human Thermal Sensation, 7. Simpozijum o konstruisanju, oblikovanju i dizajnu – KOD, Balatonfured: FTN Novi Sad, 24-26 Maj, 2012, pp. 255-260, ISBN 978-86-7892-399-9, UDK: 658.512.2
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyRužić D., Časnji F., Poznić A.: Efficency assessment of different cab air distribution system layouts, 15. Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Soko Banja: Univerzitet u Nišu, Mašinski fakultet, 18-21 Oktobar, 2011, pp. 819-828, ISBN 978-86-6055-018-9
() Report from the international meeting printed in its entiretyStojić B., Ružić D., Poznić A.: APPLICATION OF SOME ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL TOOLS IN AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING, 25. Nauka i motorna vozila, Beograd: JUMV, 14-15 April, 2015, pp. 306-320, ISBN 976-86-80941-39-4, UDK: 629.3
() Monographic bibliographic publicationStojić B., Poznanović N., Ružić D., Dorić J.: Drumska vozila, Novi Sad, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, 2015, str. 1-249, ISBN 978-86-7892-660-0, UDK: 629.3(075.8)
() Monographic bibliographic publicationRužić D.: Mikroklima u motornim vozilima, Novi Sad, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Fakultet tehničkih nauka, 2016, str. 1-234, ISBN 978-86-7892-790-4, UDK: 629.04
() Chapter in the M41 or research in the thematic collection of the national importanceRužić D.: TREND RAZVOJA TRAKTORA SA ASPEKTA GENERISANJA ŠTETNOG OTPADA, poglavlje u monografiji "Aktuelni pravci razvoja traktora", Novi Sad, FTN Novi Sad, 2010, str. 24-40, ISBN 978-86-7892-253-4, UDK: 631.372:62
() Chapter in the M41 or research in the thematic collection of the national importanceČasnji F., Ružić D.: Pregled ergonomskih karakteristika traktora velike snage, Kragujevac, Mašinski fakultet u Kragujevcu, 2005, str. 9-19, ISBN 86-80581-76-3
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceRužić D., Stepanov B.: Estimation of heat flux caused by solar irradiation on a driver of passenger car using numerical simulation, Journal of APPLIED ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2013, Vol. 11, No 4, pp. 169-176, ISSN 1451-4117
() Research published in the leading journal of the national importanceRužić D., Časnji F.: Poboljšanje mikroklime u kabini primenom lokalizovane distribucije vazduha, Poljoprivredna tehnika, 2010, Vol. 35, No 1, pp. 39-47, ISSN 0554-5587, UDK: 631.614
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceRužić D., Simikić M.: Konstruktivne mere za poboljšanje toplotne ergonomije kabina poljoprivrednih traktora i radnih mašina Agricultural tractor and mobile machinery cab design solutions to improve the thermal ergonomics , Traktori i pogonske mašine, 2016, Vol. 21, No 5, pp. 7-12, ISSN 0354-9496, UDK: 657.474
() Research published in the journal of the national importanceRužić D., Stojić B., Galamboš S., Milisavić P.: Dinamičke karakteristike poljoprivredne samohodne radne mašine od značaja za eksploatacionu bezbednost Dynamic characteristics of self-propelled agricultural mobile machine relevant for operational safety , Traktori i pogonske mašine, 2016, Vol. 21, No 2/3, pp. 58-62, ISSN 0354-9496, UDK: 657.474
() Research published in the scientific journalRužić D.: Problems in Investigation of Causes of Rebuilt Diesel Engines Premature Failures, Tehnička dijagnostika, 2014, Vol. 13, No 2, pp. 12-18, ISSN 1451-1975, UDK: 62(497.11)
() Report from the meeting of the national importance printed in its entiretyRužić D., Stojić B., Milisavić P.: Konstruktivne karakteristike poljoprivredne samohodne radne mašine od značaja za bezbednost u radu i u saobraćaju , 13. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem o zaštiti na radu-Unapređenje sistema zaštite na radu, Tara, 27-30 Oktobar, 2016, pp. 176-183
() Defended Doctoral dissertationRužić D.: Optimizacija sistema za klimatizaciju kabine motornog vozila, doktorska disertacija, Novi Sad, FTN Novi Sad, 2013
() Defended Magister thesisRužić D.: Uticaj klimatizacije na toplotni komfor u putničkom automobilu, magistarski rad, Novi Sad, FTN Novi Sad, 2006
() New product or technology introduced in the production - international levelČasnji F., Poznanović N., Stojić B., Ružić D., Tontić A.: Autobus Iveco Daily 50C15 Jole, 2010, UDK: -
() New product line, new material, industrial prototypeRužić D., Stojić B., Bojić S., Surčinski J., Milisavić P.: Radna mašina za odsecanje metlice i pesticidno tretiranje kukuruza - Hidromatiks, 2017
TitleScientific areaHigher education institutionElection date
Full ProfessorMotorna vozila i motori SUSUniversity of Novi Sad01.04.2024.
Associate ProfessorMotorna vozila i motori SUSUniversity of Novi Sad01.04.2019.
Assistant ProfessorMotorna vozila i motori SUSUniversity of Novi Sad01.04.2014.
LecturerMechanization and Constructional Mechanical EngineeringFaculty of Technical Sciences01.01.2013.
Research AssociateMotor Vehicles27.06.2012.
AssistantMotor VehiclesFaculty of Technical Sciences12.06.2009.
AssistantMotor VehiclesFaculty of Technical Sciences22.08.2006.