Subject: Modern technologies in electrical engineering (06 - E1SO01)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2009..

To give students an overview of modern communication technologies as well as other technologies in electrical engineering including the main directions of their development
Students will be introduced with directions of development of fixed and wireless telecommunication networks. Students will be able to recognize novel communication techniques and will know their main characteristics. In addition to this, student will be able to follow and understand trends and fast changes in electronics and telecommunications.
Introduction. Overview of actual state in the field. Division of telecommunication networks. Fixed communication networks techniques (ISDN, DSL, TCP/IP, Frame Relay, MPLS). Optics. Wireless communication networks techniques. Approachable network. Distribution network. Electronic devices in modern technologies. Methods and instruments for measuring in modern technologies in electrical engineering.
Lectures. Auditory exercises. Computer exercises.
Ray Horak, Harry Newton, Mark A. MillerCommunication System and Networks2002Wiley PublishingEnglish
Grupa autoraOdabrana poglavlja priručnika kurseva iz serije "Naprdne komunikacione tehnologije"2005FTNSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Theoretical part of the examNoYes70.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Jakovljević Nikša
Associate Professor

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Marić Andrea
Science Associate

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Mitrović Zoran

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Stojanović Goran
Full Professor

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Reljić Dejan
Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Obradović Đorđe
Research Associate

Practical classes
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Batinić Branislav
Assistant Professor

Practical classes