Subject: Computer Architecture (17 - E217)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Applied Computer Science and Informatics
Course specification

Course is active from 30.09.2005..

Course which have preconditioned courses Computer Architecture

Course idMandatoryMandatory
Operating SystemsYesNo
Students learn about principles of computer operation, architecture of its commands, organization and implementation of computer. They acquire beginner’s level knowledge of assembler programming.
Beginner’s level knowledge of computer architecture and of assembler programming.
Notion of computer architecture. Computer model. Machine data representation. Architecture of instructions, assembler languages and assembler programming (subrprogram, macro, stack). Principles of computer organization (memory, processor, coding and formats of machine instructions, processor organization, input-output devices, bus, interrupts). System programs (editor, assembler, macro pre-processor, linker, louder, debugger, operating system), Evolution of computer architecture (CISC, RISC, scalar and vector processors; memory hierarchy: main, peripheral, associative, cache and virtual memory, input-output devices, bus, multiprocessors and multicomputers, parallelism at the level of instruction at the level of instruction rows.
Lectures, computer practice. Consultations. The examination prerequisites consists of four tests and one complex exercise. The final examination test the theoretical part of the course material. The number of points for obtaining a signature is 30.
Hajduković, M. Živanov, Ž.Arhitektura računara: (pregled principa i evolucije)2017Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi SadSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Complex exercisesYesYes30.00
Theoretical part of the examNoYes30.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Savić Goran
Full Professor

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Gajić Dušan
Associate Professor

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Petrović Veljko
Assistant Professor

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Horvat Nebojša
Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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Anišić Helena
Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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Anišić Helena
Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Tomić Svetlana
Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Vukić Nikola
Teaching Associate

Computational classes
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Horvat Nebojša
Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Samardžić Bojana
Assistant - Master

Computational classes