Subject: Science of Industrial Engineering and Management (06 - IMDR0)

Basic Information

Scientific or art field:Production Systems, Organization and Management
Course specification

Course is active from 01.10.2009..

The educational goal is to introduce students to doctoral studies in Industrial Engineering and Management, to learn about the history and development of the field and learn the general settings that apply in this area.
The student is competent to apply global settings of this area in further education in vocational subjects.
A review of research in the fields of organization and business management, innovation and entrepreneurship, project management, investment management, information management, quality management and logistics, risk management and insurance management, industrial engineering, marketing and media, human resource management, energy management, planning, organization and systems management, automation, and information-management systems and kominikacionih quality and logistics.
Mentor together with the student selects one or more modules depending on the scope of the module. Consultation. Lectures are delivered in combination. Theoretical part is followed by the examples that clarify the theoretical part of the curriculum. In addition to lectures, consultations are held regularly. Student independently deepens the subject-matter learnt at lectures through his research work while studying scientific journals and other literature. In addition to working with the teacher, students are trained to write their own scientific papers.
Stankovski, S., Lazarević, M., Ostojić, G., Ćosić, I., Purić, R.RFID Technology in Product/Part Tracking During the Whole Life Cycle2009Assembly Automation, ElsavierEnglish
Maksimović, R., Lalic, B.Flexibility and Complexity of Effective Enterprises2008Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical EngineeringEnglish
Gajić G., Stankovski S., Ostojić G., Tešić Z., Miladinović Lj.Method of evaluating the impact of ERP implementation critical success factors–a case study in oil and gas industries2012Enterprise Information SystemsEnglish
Maksimović R., Stankovski S., Ostojić G., Petrović S., Ratković Ž.Complexity and Flexibility of Production Structures2010Journal of Scientific and Industrial ResearchEnglish
Blagojevic, V., Šešlija, D., Stojiljkovic, M. Cost effectiveness of restoring energy in execution part of pneumatic system2011Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JSIR), English
Ćosić, I., Šešlija, D., Ignjatović, I,Razvoj obrazovanja industrijskih inženjera2011Ekonomski institutSerbian language
Ignjatović, I., Komenda, T., Šešlija, D., Mališa, V. Optimisation of compressed air and electricity consumption in a complex robotic cell2012Robotics and Computer-integrated ManufacturingEnglish
Grubić-Nešić L., Duđak LjLjudski resursi i razvoj industrijskog inženjerstva,2011Ekonomski institutSerbian language
Course activity Pre-examination ObligationsNumber of points
Theoretical part of the examNoYes50.00
Name and surnameForm of classes
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Ćosić Ilija
Foreign Language Teacher - Senior Lecturer

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Šešlija Dragan
Full Professor

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Lalić Bojan
Full Professor

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Kuzmanović Bogdan
Full Professor

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Rikalović Aleksandar
Associate Professor

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Simeunović Nenad
Full Professor

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Ćosić Ilija
Foreign Language Teacher - Senior Lecturer

Study research work
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Šešlija Dragan
Full Professor

Study research work
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Lalić Bojan
Full Professor

Study research work
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Kuzmanović Bogdan
Full Professor

Study research work
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Simeunović Nenad
Full Professor

Study research work