General information

Type of studies
Undergraduate Academic Studies

Academic degree
Bachelor with Honours in Geodesy (B.Geod.)

Educational field
Technical-Technological Science

Scientific, professional or art field
Geodesy Engineering

Duration (year/sem)
4 / 8

Total ECTS

 Management staff for the study programme
First name and Last name
Missing picture!Chief

Marković Marko
Associate Professor

Historical data about the study programmes responsible staff not found!


Year: 1, Semester: Winter

Computer Practicum2020.005
Introduction to geodesy2200.005
Elective course 12200.004
Elective foreign language 12000.003

Year: 1, Semester: Summer

Mathematical analysis 14400.007
Geodesy 12030.005
Fundamentals in Geosciences2100.003
Geodetic measurements techniques2020.005
Introduction to Information Technology in Geomatics2020.005
Elective course 22000.002
Elective foreign language 22000.003

Year: 2, Semester: Winter

Mathematical Analysis 23300.007
Geodesy 23030.005
Information Systems and Databases2020.004
Systems and Signals in Geomatics2020.004
Elective course 332-300.006

Year: 2, Semester: Summer

Network Adjustment Calculation2030.005
Control systems in geomatics3120.006
Basics of GNSS technology2020.004
Probability and mathematical statistics2200.004

Year: 3, Semester: Winter

Engineering Geodesy3030.007
System Modeling and Simulation2020.005
Digital terrain models3030.007
Geoinformation systems3030.007
Elective course 420-20-20.004

Year: 3, Semester: Summer

Optimization Methods3120.006
Land consolidation2110.005
Engineering Geodesy 23030.007
Elective course 5202-30.005

Year: 4, Semester: Winter

Detection of underground infrastructure objects3030.006
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Image Processing3030.006
Geospatial databases3030.006
Elective course 63030.006
Professional Practice - Project0006.005

Year: 4, Semester: Summer

Elective course 72020.005
Integrated Survey Systems3030.006
Elective course 83020.005
Elective course 930-30-30.005
Bachelor Thesis0000.005
Bachelor Thesis0004.005