General information

Type of studies
Undergraduate Academic Studies

Academic degree
Bachelor with Honours in Engineering Management (B.Eng.Managem.)

Educational field
Technical-Technological Science

Scientific, professional or art field
Industrial Engineering and Management

Duration (year/sem)
2 / 3

Total ECTS



Year: 3, Semester: Summer

Quality management system2200.005
Company organization2200.005
Basics of LEAN production2200.004
Capital Assets Management2200.004
Elective course IE12200.004
Elective course IE221-20-10.004
Professional practice MEN10006.004

Year: 4, Semester: Winter

Production planning and control3030.006
Service Engineering3110.005
Elective course IE330-20-20.005
Managing change and innovation3110.005
Elective course IE420-20-20.004
Elective course IE520-20-20.005

Year: 4, Semester: Summer

Strategic Management3020.005
Elective course IE63200.005
Elective course IE730-20-20.005
Elective course IE83200.005
Bachelor Thesis - Research Work0000.005
Bachelor Thesis - Completing and Defending0006.005