General information

Type of studies
Undergraduate Academic Studies

Academic degree
Bachelor with Honours in Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety (B.Dis.Ris.Managem.Fir.Saf.)

Educational field
Technical-Technological Science

Scientific, professional or art field
Environmental and Occupational Safety Engineering

Duration (year/sem)
4 / 8

Total ECTS

 Management staff for the study programme
First name and Last name
Missing picture!Chief

Laban Mirjana
Full Professor

Historical data about the study programmes responsible staff not found!


Year: 1, Semester: Winter

Disaster risk management and fire safety-basic4200.007
Chemical Phenomena in Engineering3030.006
Mathematics 13300.006
Fundamentals of Information Technologies2030.006

Year: 1, Semester: Summer

Mathematics 23300.006
Social resilience to hazards3200.005
Fundamentals of Technical Documentation Design4120.007
Introduction to ?lectrical ?ngineering3300.006
Building Materials and Structures4200.007

Year: 2, Semester: Winter

Basics of Mechanical Engineering3200.008
Fundamental Principles of Insurance3200.005
Statistical methods2210.006
Selected Chapters in Psychology3200.004
Elective Course 12000.002

Year: 2, Semester: Summer

Devices and Systems in Fire Protection3300.005
Risk Management and Sustainable Settlements’ Development3300.007
Risks in Manipulating Hazardous Substances2200.006
Applied Information Technologies2040.008

Year: 3, Semester: Winter

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer2200.005
Elements of a Building and Installation2200.006
Modeling and Simulation in Risk Management3030.006
Institutional Frameworks in Risk Management2200.006
Safety Aspects in the Built Environment4120.007

Year: 3, Semester: Summer

Systems for Detection, Alarm and Warning2200.005
?lective Course 221-20-10.006
Izborni predmet 3 - Strani jezik2-3000.003
Elective Course 32120.006
Elective Course 420-20-20.005
Elective Course 52-3200.005

Year: 4, Semester: Winter

Disaster risk management cycle3200.005
Flood Defence Measures2200.005
Izborni predmet 721-20-10.005
Izborni predmet 820-20-20.005
Elective Course 631-30-20.006
Professional Practice0006.004

Year: 4, Semester: Summer

Risk Analysis Methods3300.005
Earthquake Impact on Civil Engineering Structures2200.005
Elective Course 73200.005
Elective Course 830-20-20.005
Bachelor Thesis0000.005
Bachelor Thesis0003.005