General information

Type of studies
Undergraduate Academic Studies

Academic degree
Bachelor with Honours in Traffic Engineering (B.Traff.Eng.)

Educational field
Technical-Technological Science

Scientific, professional or art field
Traffic Engineering

Duration (year/sem)
4 / 8

Total ECTS

 Management staff for the study programme
First name and Last name
Missing picture!Chief

Dupljanin Đorđije
Assistant Professor

Historical data about the study programmes responsible staff not found!


Year: 1, Semester: Winter

Mathemtaics 13201.006
Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing3210.006
Knowledge of Goods in Transport2101.004
Sociological Aspects of Technological Development 2000.003

Year: 1, Semester: Summer

Mathematics 23201.005
Urbanism and Spatial Planning3200.005
Transport-logistics characteristics of goods3101.004
Economics of traffic2400.007
Elective courses - set 12000.002
Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines3201.007

Year: 2, Semester: Winter

Freight Forwarding3111.006
Mathematical statistics4301.008
Analysis of telecommunication signals2110.005
Elective courses - set 22000.002
Izborni predmet 120-20-20.005
Multimedia communications2020.004

Year: 2, Semester: Summer

Programming and Programming Languages2020.005
Organization of Water Transport3201.005
Operations Research3200.005
Logistics reload3012.006
Analysis of telecommunication systems2110.005
Basics of logistics3101.004

Year: 3, Semester: Winter

Postal traffic2102.005
Railway tehnology3200.005
Principles of digital communications2210.005
Project management2012.004
Izborni predmet 230-30-30.006
Izborni predmet 32200.006

Year: 3, Semester: Summer

Postal services and network3300.006
Izborni predmet 421-200.00-1.005
Principles of digital modulations2200.005
Izborni predmet 531-20-10.005
Organization and Management in Postal Traffic and Telecommunications2200.005
Professional Internship0006.003

Year: 4, Semester: Winter

Fundamentals of Radio and Mobile Communications3210.005
Financial Operations in Postal Traffic2200.005
Automatization in postal traffic 2202.006
Telecommunication networks and traffic2202.006
Izborni predmet 620-20-20.004
Izborni stručni strani jezik2000.002

Year: 4, Semester: Summer

Computer communications3030.006
Communication Systems Design3020.006
Exploitation of Communication Systems 2020.004
Izborni predmet 73020.006
Final – Bachelor Thesis0000.004
Bechelor thesis research and development0005.006