General information

Type of studies
Undergraduate Academic Studies

Academic degree
Bachelor with Honours in Industrial Engineering (B.Ind.Eng.)

Educational field
Technical-Technological Science

Scientific, professional or art field
Industrial Engineering and Management

Duration (year/sem)
4 / 8

Total ECTS

 Management staff for the study programme
First name and Last name
Missing picture!Chief

Lazarević Milovan
Full Professor

Historical data about the study programmes responsible staff not found!


Year: 1, Semester: Winter

Fundamentals of industrial engineering and management3201.006
Sociology of Work2200.004
Engineering materials3200.006
Computer Technologies4040.007
Foreign Language 12001.002

Year: 1, Semester: Summer

Mathematics 22200.006
Processes and Work Equipment3201.006
Product development and design4202.007
Mechanics and Industrial Engineering 3201.007
Foreign Language 22001.003

Year: 2, Semester: Winter

Control of technical systems2020.004
Probability and Statistics2200.005
Computer Aided Product Design and Analysis3021.005
Processing Technology Products3202.005
Company Economics2200.005
Fundamental electrical engineering2200.005

Year: 2, Semester: Summer

Work Study and Ergonomics2201.005
Design methods of working procedures (CAPP, CAM)2200.005
Integral Systems Support - Logistic2200.005
Automatic identification systems2020.005
Applied Operational Research2200.005
Automation of work processes 14022.006

Year: 3, Semester: Winter

Assembly Technologies3020.005
Material Handling Technologies3020.005
Product measurement and control techniques3020.005
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)2020.004
Reliability of technical systems and Maintenance3200.006

Year: 3, Semester: Summer

Production System Design3200.006
Design of Information Systems3020.006
Enterprise's organization2200.005
Quality Management System2200.006
Project Management2200.005
Elective Course 120-20-20.004
Professional practice0003.003

Year: 4, Semester: Winter

Production planning and control3220.006
Design, Verification and Analysis of the Environmental Management System2200.004
Services Engineering3200.005
Elective Course 23020.005
Elective Course 32-30-20-20.005
Elective Course 43020.006

Year: 4, Semester: Summer

Computer integrated manufacturing3020.006
Elective Course 52-30-20-20.00-1.005
Elective Course 62-30-20-20.00-1.005
Elective Course 720-20-20.006
Bachelor with honors Thesis - II0006.007